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Saya adalah seorang manusia biasa yang begitu menggemari informasi dan pengetahuan yang berarti,dan senang untuk berbagi informasi yang saya tahu pada siapa saja,hususnya tentang facebook. Dalam Blog ini saya menyajikan berbagai hal tentang Facebook, trik, tips, dan tutorial facebook menjadi sajian utama blog ini, dan tidak ketinggalan berbagai informasi, tips & trik, serta tutorial dan berita seru terbaru dari Facebook maupun situs bermanfaat lainnya.
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Peperangan Facebook Melawan Spam

spam facebookSpam adalah penyalahgunaan dalam pengiriman berita elektronik untuk menampilkan berita iklan dan keperluan lainnya yang mengakibatkan ketidaknyamanan bagi para pengguna web.Bentuk berita spam yang umum dikenal meliputi: spam pos-el, spam pesan instan, spam Usenet newsgroup, spam mesin pencari informasi web (web search engine spam), spam blog, spam berita pada telepon genggam, spam forum Internet, dan lain lain.Spam ini biasanya datang bertubi-tubi tanpa diminta dan sering kali tidak dikehendaki oleh penerimanya. (wikipedia)

Kali ini facebook dalam blognya mendeklarasikan peperangan dengan spammer (pengirim spam), dalam blognya dijelaskan mereka menang dalam pengadilan tentang masalah spam. Pihak facebook juga mulai bekerja sama dengan perusahaan lain untuk memerangi spam. Mereka juga mempunyai security experts dan engineers yang berfokus pada integritas website yang membuat sistem yang akan menangkal serangan spam.

Spammer akan terus diperangi dengan membawa mereka kepengadilan, dan facebook mengajak para penggunanya (user) untuk bekerja sama dalam melaporkan spam.

Berikut detail dari artikel dari blog facebook
We hate spam just as much as you do, and we're always working to stop it. Last week, we won a ruling in this ongoing fight. A court in San Jose, California issued a temporary restraining order against three spammers—Sanford Wallace, Adam Arzoomanian and Scott Shaw. They broke the law by sending unwanted messages and wall posts to people on Facebook, which in the United States violates the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, the California Anti-Phishing Act and the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act (CAN-SPAM). Now, any contact these spammers have with you or anyone on Facebook could land them in jail.

This isn't the first time we've gone to court to battle spam. Last November, we also told you about our first victory—an $873 million judgment made against Adam Guerbuez and Atlantis Blue Capital for sending sleazy messages to people on Facebook. This was the largest judgment ever for an action brought under CAN-SPAM. We continue to work on collecting as much as possible from Guerbuez and Atlantis Blue (likely far less than the full amount) and have hired a firm to help with this. We're hopeful that this kind of persistent pressure will act as a deterrent against those attempting to trick and annoy people on Facebook.

Of course, this fight requires a team effort. In addition to our dedicated legal team, Facebook also has security experts and engineers focused on the integrity of the site. We're continuing to build systems to prevent and respond to spam attacks. Our User Operations team also works around the clock to identify problems and assist people who've been affected.

We will continue bringing spammers to justice, but we need need your help, too. Report spam by using the links located throughout the site.

Be sure to also check out the tips and information on our Security Page to educate yourself on how to keep your account secure.

Sam O'Rourke from the Facebook legal team is busy keeping you safe from spam.

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